the Netflix app . Once installed , it displayedAttack.Phishingthe icon found in the actual Netflix app on Google Play . This is a common trickAttack.Phishingplayed by malware developers , making the user think the app may have been removed . But , behind the scenes , the malware has not been removed ; instead it starts preparing its onslaught of attacks . It does so using the Services , Broadcast Receivers , and Activities components of the Android platform . Services can perform long-running operations in the background and does not need a user interface . Broadcast Receivers are Android components that can register themselves for particular events . Activities are key building blocks , central to an app ’ s navigation , for example . The SpyNote RAT registers a service called AutoStartup and a broadcast receiver named BootComplete . MainActivity registers BootComplete with a boot event , so that whenever the device is booted , BootComplete gets triggered . BootComplete starts the AutoStartup service and the AutoStartup service makes sure that MainActivity is always running . What follows are some of the features exhibited by SpyNote RAT . Command execution can create havoc for victim if the malware developer decides to execute commands in the victim ’ s device . Leveraging this feature , the malware developer can root the device using a range of vulnerabilities , well-known or zero-day . SpyNote RAT was able to take screen captures and , using the device ’ s microphone , listen to audio conversations . This capability was confirmed when the Android permission , called android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO , was being requested along with code found in the app . They tend to target any antivirus protections on the device and uninstall them , which increases the possibility of their malware persisting on the device . SpyNote RAT was designed to function only over Wi-Fi , which is the preferable mode for Android malware to send files to C & C . - There were two interesting sub-classes found inside Main Activity : Receiver and Sender . Receiver was involved in receiving commands from the Server and the main functionality of Sender was to send all the data collected to the C & C over Wi-Fi . - SpyNote RAT was also collectingAttack.Databreachthe device ’ s location to identify the exact location of the victim . The SpyNote Remote Access Trojan ( RAT ) builder is gaining popularity in the hacking community , so we decided to study its pervasiveness . What we found were several other fake apps developed using the SpyNote builder , which should come as a warning to Android users . Furthermore , we found that in just the first two weeks of 2017 , there have been more than 120 such spyware variants already built using the same SpyNote Trojan builder as SpyNote RAT and roaming in the wild . A complete list of sample hashes is available here . The days when one needed in-depth coding knowledge to develop malware are long gone . Nowadays , script kiddies can build a piece of malware that can create real havoc . Moreover , there are many toolkits like the SpyNote Trojan builder that enable users to build malware with ease and few clicks . In particular , avoid side-loading apps from third-party app stores and avoid the temptation to play games that are not yet available on Android . Yes , we are talking about SuperMarioRun , which was recently launched by Nintendo only for iOS users . Recent blogs by the Zscaler research team explain how some variants of Android malware are exploitingAttack.Phishingthe popularity of this game and trickingAttack.PhishingAndroid users into downloading a fake version . You should also avoid the temptation to play games from sources other than legitimate app stores ; such games are not safe and may bring harm to your reputation and your bank account . Zscaler users are protected from such attacks with multiple levels of security . Zscaler security is so comprehensive , you can forget about it